About Me

My photo
Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
The business of photography has become tougher every year and this is not just down to the financial crisis. Everyone now considers themselves a photographer, even though they have no idea of the market they are dabbling in. This has destroyed business for the professionals and many can not survive and make an honest living. I have reverted to taking images for myself only and have to tend to a day job in order to continue my photography. This is the space I share my images, gripes and experiences.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Changing Times

What has become of this world?
Whilst the Golf of Mexico is being poisoned by crude oil and New York City is planning to introduce a non-refundable $300.00 photography fee (only in America!), citizens of Iraq are facing far greater challenges... Life!
Meet Karim; a laborer for the British forces for the duration of the British campaign in Basra. He used to be a soldier of the republican guard of Iraq's forces during the war between Iraq and Iran. He was taken prisoner by Iran and tortured, mutilated and nearly beaten to death. He has no worries in life other than seeking happiness for his wives and children. He used to say that as long as he is alive and well and his family is looked after he will not desire anything else in this world. When the British troops pulled out of Iraq he was offered a sum of money for his service or a permit to reside in the UK with his family and make a life in Europe. He decided to stay in Iraq, his home, his country. He has great hopes for Iraq. He hopes for a better future; a future without razor wire and violence.

Karim, March 2009

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