About Me

My photo
Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
The business of photography has become tougher every year and this is not just down to the financial crisis. Everyone now considers themselves a photographer, even though they have no idea of the market they are dabbling in. This has destroyed business for the professionals and many can not survive and make an honest living. I have reverted to taking images for myself only and have to tend to a day job in order to continue my photography. This is the space I share my images, gripes and experiences.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

A new Dawn...

In the spirit of making it in B&W Photography, I have joined an online forum called the Film and Darkroom User (FADU). Its great for gaining further knowledge and developing skills in the area of B&W Film processing and printing. I shall follow it with interest and ample contribution.


Check it out and you shall be enlightened.

Therefore today's images:

Dog and Ball, a natural connection.
However, it will become a challenge if the ball is bigger than the 'gob'.
'Drop it!' is out of the question.
(Nikon F6, Nikkor 50mm 1.8D)

Fancied a play with a macro lens.
(Nikon F6, Nikkor Micro 105mm G, F2.8/3s)

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